Clifton Strengths Assessment and Coaching

You are unique - you bring talent and strengths to every relationship and situation.  Finding those strengths, developing and embracing them will poise you for great personal a professional success and satisfaction.  When you operate as your authentic self, tapping into what you alone bring to this world, you are empowered, happier, healthier and more confident!  It is my great joy to help you discover these strengths and then partner with you as you develop the tools and skills to aim these strengths towards success.

Clifton Strengths is also an incredible tool for teams - developing a greater appreciation for the unique talents that each member brings to the group.  The strengths approach allows managers to optimize assignments, better understand their employees, increase engagement and manage retention.

What to expect from coaching

You will start by completing the Clifton Strengths the talent assessment to discover what you naturally do best.  You are the expert on you, my role is to ask powerful questions, act as a sounding board and provide objective assessments and observations, listen fully, challenge your blind spots and foster shifts in thinking that reveal fresh perspectives. Combining your comprehensive personalized strengths report with individualized and/or team coaching we will aim your natural talents to empower yourself and change your life.

The coaching experience provides a safe place to explore a variety of topics:  Leverage your Strengths, Set Goals, Optimize Work Performance, Expand Career Opportunities, Increase Self-Esteem/Self-Confidence, Maximize Potential, Improve Business Management Strategies, Manage Work/Life Balance and build personal awareness.  You will find your answers, your possibilities and your unique perspective on issues that are critical to your success and happiness.

Please use the contact tab to inquire about coaching packages and pricing.